Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Amethyst Eyes by Debbie Brown

The Media Kit
As an author, the Media Kit will soon become an indispensable tool.
In all honesty, before becoming an author, I did not know what this was. Now don’t get me wrong, I understood what it was supposed to be, without knowing exactly what it should be composed of. Within the space of a week, I had heard about the media kit, saw one, followed a webinar on it and made my own. When my book started on its first blog tour, this quickly became a great tool to have on hand. It kept me from having to repeat the same information over and over again, made sure I didn’t leave out any details, and in some cases, offered more info than requested.
I strongly suggest you put all the info into one document, including the photos. You should, however, send both the author pic and the book cover pic separately, giving the recipient the option of a better quality image to work with.
OK, so here goes:
            -A  professional head shot, (link to the photo in high resolution). IF you cannot afford one, then take the time to have someone take a good picture of you in a clean, clutter free environment;
            -your resume (especially if you write non-fiction). This gives your writing credibility;
            -your biography;
            -interview topics;
            -media appearances, guest talks, book signings etc. (links);
            -a high resolution picture of your book;
            -the book blurb;
            -an excerpt from the book;
            -other people’s comments, reviews and recommendations. You can pick and choose one-liners from each review;
            -the link to your book trailer. If you don’t have one, you should think about getting/making one;
            -contact info: email, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, blog, web page, etc.
            -purchase links: Amazon, B&N, Chapters, etc.
Add to it as you see fit. The idea is to have an instant package that can be shipped off in a matter of seconds. You will not regret the time spent on this. You end up with a professional tool that will quickly become indispensable.

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